Who We Serve

The Made in Santa Rosa Education Foundation's primary focus is to support kindergarten through 8th grade — approximately 6,000 students. This includes 9 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, plus Lewis Early Learning Academy and Ridgway High School.


  • Lewis Early Learning Academy

Elementary Schools

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Albert F. Biella
  • Brook Hill
  • Helen Lehman
  • Hidden Valley
  • James Monroe
  • Luther Burbank
  • Proctor Terrace
  • Steele Lane

Middle Schools

  • Herbert Slater
  • Hilliard Comstock
  • Rincon Valley
  • Santa Rosa Middle

High School

  • Ridgway

2023/24 School Year Support

The Made in Santa Rosa Education Foundation provided grants to eight elementary schools, two middle schools, and one Pre-K special education school, impacting and engaging approximately 4,500 students. 

The grants included:

Albert Biella Elementary: Funding for school spirit t-shirts for all students. Many students each year are unable to purchase one, but this school year all students will receive a t-shirt to wear at school events including a spring Walk-a-thon, Special Olympics, and a Coding Showcase.

Brook Hill Elementary: Funding for at-lunch and after-school clubs including Environmental, Crochet, Cheerleading, Bobcat Bootcamp, Art, and Volleyball. Many students in this school would not be able to participate in these activities outside of school due to financial and transportation constraints.

Helen Lehman Elementary: Funding for an Art Docent program. A professional artist was brought in to teach two lessons per class over the school year.

Hidden Valley Elementary: Funding for plants and seeds for a new campus garden, so that students in all
grades can experience and engage in growing and harvesting, as well as learn about native plants and vegetables. 

Lewis Early Learning Academy: Funding for a family education event focusing on self-care strategies, as the parents of children with special needs have additional pressures that can be extra-taxing on the family unit.

Abraham Lincoln Elementary: Funding for classroom door murals to showcase culturally relevant images
collaboratively created by students and a professional artist.

Luther Burbank Elementary: Funding for book inventory for their book vending machine, which rewards
students for positive character traits with tokens to select and keep books, which has resulted in enhanced literacy and improved test scores.

Proctor Terrace Elementary: Funding for school garden plants and supplies. Students work with a Master
Gardener to learn about the connections between farm to table foods/efforts, and connections with the FOSS science program.

Herbert Slater Middle School: Funding for violins for a new orchestra and mariachi band.

Santa Rosa Middle School: Funding for their Make Gardens Grown program expansion, where students work in 8 different groups in hands-on learning in several different projects, including planting, tending, harvesting,
composting and flower arrangement design. 

Steele Lane Elementary: Funding for school spirit t-shirts for all students to ensure inclusivity. Many students
each year are unable to purchase one due to financial constraints, but this school year all students received a t-shirt to wear at school events.



Our Impact

Students Served
Schools Served

The graphic below illustrates the disparity between schools in donations received. Enrichment education is largely funded through school donations. Our goal is to close the gap and raise funds to equitably invest in programs, projects and resources, so that all students have the same opportunities.

Elementary School Donations

Of the 9 elementary schools in 2022/2023

3 Averaged $25K

6 Averaged $6K

Middle School Donations

Of the 4 middle schools in 2022/2023

2 Averaged $23K

2 Averaged $2K

Become and investment partner and help close the access and achievement gaps